QUESTION #5: Instagram or Blogger

Which do you prefer for our discussions? I think there are pros and cons to each, and this was a good way to mimic chat rooms. Let me know with a comment.


  1. I like Blogger better because you can see what comment you are replying to directly, not just the username you are replying to (like on insta)

  2. I prefer Blogger for the discussions because it is easier to see the comments and replies.

  3. I prefer Blogger, I feel like it's easier to follow. I like that each question gets its own little page.

  4. Riley: I prefer Blogger because it's easier to see but it is very annoying that my name doesn't show up and I have to type it in every time

  5. I liked Blogger better for discussions because I feel like it is easier to type answers and it is bigger so I can understand who is responding to who.

  6. I like blogger. The only thing I don't like about both of them is that you have to refresh the page to see new responses which can be kind of annoying. - Aakash

  7. Interesting - I thought you'd all think Blogger too old school! Blogger shows up in Chapter 13 and the money from Blogger funded Twitter.

  8. instagram. at first i was trying to access it on safari and it wouldn't let me comment and it was a very stressful ordeal. 4/10. also i cant like anything :(

  9. I much prefer Instagram because typing my name every time is extremely tedious. I also have spotty Internet, and was having many more problems with Blogger than Instagram, as I can access Instagram from my phone.

    1. Elliot (sorry)

    2. My issue with Instagram is that I get blocked for too much activity.

    3. Oh, ok. I was just annoyed because my Internet died at one point and it ate my comment so I had to rewrite the whole thing.

    4. i get it. I sent you an email.

  10. I like Instagram way better because even though I'm on chrome it kept glitching and I wouldn't be able to comment and also I feel like it's less casual :(

  11. So it looks like we'll stick with blogger. If that's the case, if you weren't commenting with your name, either look in to it yourself or email me. Also, whoever is responsible for the questions for Wednesday needs to send them to me by Wednesday morning at 7 a.m. Also, there will be a few questions tomorrow about Chapter 6 and Amazon so please check in.

  12. I liked the way Instagram was set up by threads, but I think that Blogger has been easier to view comments. I also liked how each question was on a separate page.

  13. Maybe we will do a mix of Instagram and Blogger - I will followup when I post the assignment tomorrow. Good job team! I hope you are enjoying the book - I'm enjoying rereading it a lot!

  14. I like blogger because you can break it up by question, there's less scrolling, and you can view it on a bigger screen. Also for anyone having trouble with the name- create an account!! It took like 5 seconds and made blogger a lot easier to work with :)

    1. I didn't realize you had to create an account - I've used blogger for so long! Apologies to everyone, but now you know how to get your name on your posts.


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